為何秋田 Akita 與日本四大貴族有關?| 《致光之君》在演什麼? | 為何祖譜很重要?SceneTa 境拓
Calendar 3051年四月廿二
卓俊宏 (323) 2024-05-29 03:43:43 WED
上回跟大家介紹了盛岡市和青森市,今天我來談秋田(縣) Akita





00:00 前言,先把歷史弄清楚
00:50 時光飛梭
03:52 日本有哪四大貴族?
05:39 《致光之君 光る君へ》在演什麼?
08:20 什麼是令制國時代?
10:09 什麼是渤海國?
11:05 什麼是蝦夷?
12:05 什麼是征夷大將軍?
13:05 為何稱奧羽本線?
14:15 為何有羽前和羽後?
14:57 什麼是清和源氏? 為何這麼有名?
20:02 什麼是源平合戰? 有何重要性?
21:58 久保田藩藩主的故事
28:44 什麼是石高?
29:49 結語

Last time I introduced Morioka City and Aomori City to you, today I will talk about Akita Prefecture.

I found that in order to introduce Akita Prefecture, we must first understand the history.

Therefore, at the beginning of this episode of "Akita 1", we will first talk about the relevant history.

This episode has a high level of knowledge, Let everyone spend thirty minutes learning about Japanese history.

Please don’t miss it!

