為何要住盛岡 | Why live in Morioka?
Calendar 3051年三月初五
卓俊宏 (762) 2024-04-13 01:37:06 SAT

Why do I recommend staying near Morioka Station when travel to Tohoku, Japan?

除了景點介紹,我也把宮澤賢治的著名詩作《不畏風雨》譯成中文當歌詞,交給AI 作曲的一首現代歌,我們一起來賞析這首歌。
In addition to introducing the scenic spots, I also translated Miyazawa Kenji's famous poem "Fear the Wind and Rain" into Chinese as lyrics and gave it to a modern song composed by AI. Let's appreciate this song together.

00:00 開場 Opening
00:49 為何麽要住盛岡?Why live in Morioka?
01:25 四東北城市比較 Comparison of four northeastern cities
01:57 盛岡市容簡介 Introduction to Morioka City
03:04 盛岡城跡公園 Morioka Castle Ruins Park
04:09 《銀河鐵道之父》"The Father of the Galaxy Railway"
05:28 《銀河鐵道之父》預告片段 "The Father of the Galaxy Railway" trailer clip
05:46 宮澤賢治詩作《不畏風雨》 歌曲賞析 Song Appreciation of Miyazawa Kenji’s Poetry “Not Fearing the Wind and Rain”
08:13 結語 Conclusion